High Heel Trampling | High Heels Femdom

All articles tagged with "High Heel Trampling"

Mistress Anni heard that high heels were a good fashion accessory to use to flirt and so she did it. She had never done it before so she tried it on the mirror first and she recorded herself to check out how well she did it before she actually did it with and to someone. She was fascinated by how she did it and she knew it would work. It did.

Lady Ayse needed this guy to jerk off for her fun but he did not know how to and he did not want to do it because he did not want her to order him around. But the mistress calmly told him that she would crush his nuts with her high heels if he did not do what she wanted and that scared him shitless. He agreed to do it as per her instructions.

Mistress Dula and her friend did not want to deal with a nonsensical guy but with this guy, they found themselves doing it. It was not funny for them and that is why he had to be made to stop his nonsense and change for the better. So the mistresses used their high heels to kick him in the nuts and make fun of him in the process. He cried but his tears did not move them.

Mistress Zephy wanted her slave to learn never to piss her off and she had to scare him to get that kind of reaction from him. So the mistress went out of her way to use her high heels to do the scaring. He was so pissed and he was so scared that by the time she was done with him, he feared her more than she expected he would.

This mistress wanted this guy to know that she was not going to allow his nonsense any longer. She gave him a last warning and promised him that if he messed with her again, he would only have himself to blame for whatever happened to him. And she told him that she would crush him and especially his nuts using her high heels. He got scared and did as instructed.

This mistress likes to negotiate with her high heels. She knows guys come with all sorts of underhand tactics to the negotiating table and her underhand tactic is using her high heels when she fails to have her way. When she realized she was wasting time talking to this guy, she turned him into a foot slave and used her high heels to make him agree with her and do as she said.

Lady Emerald was not going to let these losers get the better of her. She had tried to reason with them but the guys were impervious to reason. She knew they were sneaky so she used her high heels to deal with them. She trampled them and got them to feel a lot of pain. That made them rethink their strategy and they agreed with her on the way forward.

Mistress Natasha used her boots to crush this loser. He was forgetful and she did not want to keep reminding him about everything. She had never punished him before and he was shocked when she did. But it was important so as to make him try to take some initiative to make him remember stuff. So she trampled his balls as well as his whole body and it worked as he started to remember stuff.

Mistress Adonia loves high heels. She has always loved them. But of late, she had been wondering what else she can do with them. She decided to try and use them as a punishment tool. She wanted to use them to crush her slave when he messed up. But first she decided to try that on a pillow. It worked great and she called her slave and did it on him.

LanQi is not your average girl. When she wants to break up with someone, she tortures them and they break up with her. She did the same to this guy and trampled him with her high heels and jumped on his stomach

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